Plans & Goals
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Strategic Plans and Goals

Goal 1

Havre/Hill County Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) will educate, inform, and offer its knowledge and expertise to the public and private sectors.


*We will maintain and continue to improve an informational website that details both the philosophical mission and preservation advocacy of the Commission, as well as provides direct links to informational resources related to historic preservation.

1.    Add residential walking tour map to website and model after the existing historic business district map.  (Fall 2011)

2.    Identify website users and content - ongoing

3.    Secure funding for maintenance - ongoing 

4.    Add Historic Property Plaque program web link. (Fall 2011)

5.    Add Preservation Award recipients (past and present). (Fall 2011)

6.    Add video link of 2009 presentation by Kate and Pete.  (Fall 2011)

*We will facilitate the public and private sectors as to the availability and use of tax incentives, and guidance for historic rehabilitation, and provide resources to property owners.

1.     Form committee or train Historic Preservation Officer (HPO) to gain understanding of tax incentives. - Completed

2.     Conduct educational presentation on tax incentives pursuant to Preserve America grant - Completed

3.     Present power-point presentation “Simple Building Improvements for (Almost) Nothing”- Pres Month 2011 – request presentation from SHPO

4.     Tax incentive educational presentation for commission, local loan officers, and public.  (Fall 2012)

5.     Meeting for property owners in historic district with properties eligible for national register nomination. (Fall 2012)

*We will promote additional surveys and nominations to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and aid the public in obtaining signage for the interpretation of historic properties.

1.     Surveys/Nominations

  • *Review and comment on all nominations of historic properties within Havre and Hill County

  • *Explore funding avenues for surveys – ongoing

  • *Havre Downtown and Railroad Survey with Multiple Properties Document- completion – completed

  • *Donaldson Hall (MSU-N) - ongoing

  • *Potential survey areas include:

    •       Beaver Creek Park “Chapel” – completed

    •       Historic District for MSU Northern Campus – ongoing

    •       CCC and/or Kiwanis Camp buildings Beaver Creek Park

    •       Outlying Hill County communities

    •       Grain Elevators across the Hi-line

    •       Havre Northside and/or Southside

    •       Archaeological sites Hill County

    •       Additional Havre businesses

    •       Nomination of buildings in Havre Downtown and Railroad survey to the NRHP

2.     Signage

  • *Preserve America signage- sent out to the city and county- posted by end of    Hwy 2 project - completed

  • *Residential District signs - completed

  • *Signage for historic properties through State Historic Preservation Office

  • *Historic Downtown Banners - completed

  • *HPC establishes application process for property owners by - ongoing

  • *HPC establishes selection process by - ongoing

  • *Meet with property owners and the media to encourage the process - ongoing


Goal 2

The Havre/Hill County Historic Preservation Commission will strive to identify, protect, and preserve prehistoric and historic resources in Hill County.


*We will obtain, retain, and make available to the public, data and photographs of historic properties.

1.     Identify opportunities for partnering, opportunities for sharing archival materials  - ongoing – History Department and Val Hickman invited to March 2011 meeting to coordinate

*We will review all Section 106 projects within the city of Havre and Hill County.

1.    Develop relationship with SHPO to ensure all projects are forwarded to HPC

2.    Send HPO for Section 106 training or bring presentation to commission as continuing education (Fall 2011)

3.  Develop relationships with local civic governments and personnel of federal    agencies having projects that affect prehistoric/historic properties- ongoing


*We will facilitate the development and adaptation of a demolition ordinance for the city of Havre.

1.    In partnership with city/county government, develop an ordinance to present to the city

2.    Begin discussion in 2012 with the understanding that the process may take several years – Have example ordinance to present to City / County Commissioners and/or ordinance committies

3.  Utilize the media to campaign the benefits


Goal 3

The Havre/Hill County Historic Preservation Commission will cultivate sustainable partnerships.


*We will investigate the feasibility of an outreach program aimed at coordinating the preservation efforts of groups and individuals in outlying communities.

      1.  Identify outlying communities interested in partnering - ongoing

      2.  Identify preservation groups interested in forming a coalition – ongoing

3.    Potential partners as listed in Goal 3, Objections, bullet 3, item #4

*We will collaborate with the appropriate entities to establish a Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) for preservation projects.

1.    Invite Bear paw Development to a meeting to discuss / present RLF benefits

2.   National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP) - initiate conversation- Winter    2013

3.  Local banks- initiate conversation- Spring 2013

*We will foster new partnerships and renew existing partnerships with preservation groups, and local, state and federal governmental offices.

1.    Work with the state, county, and city to remain a viable Certified Local Government

2.    Coordinate services of SHPO and other partners

3.    Join Montana Preservation Alliance and other organizations – completed/ongoing

4.    Identify potential or existing partners:

                  Local- City Council, Mayor of Havre, County Commissioners, Hill County Planning Department, outlying communities, Rocky Boy Tribal Historic Preservation Office, Fort Assiniboine Group, Chamber of Commerce, Bear Paw Development, H. Earl Clack Museum, Havre Beneath the Streets, Rudyard Museum, Beaver Creek Park, realtors groups, contractors groups

      State and National- Montana Department of Transportation, National Trust for Historic Preservation, Montana Preservation Alliance, Preserve America, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, City/County Planning Board, MSU Northern

*We will continue to engage the public and private sectors in dialog relating to the preservation of significant prehistoric and historic properties within the city of Havre and Hill County.

  1. Inclusion in strategic planning and the Growth Policy sessions for the city and county - Presented to Growth Policy Committee

  2. Quarterly reports by HPO and commission members- city and county- every quarter      

  3. Contractor meeting- completed 2010

  4. Realtors/developers meeting- completed 2010

  5. Offer credit class at University via work study opportunity - ongoing

  6. Have a display at the “Hands on History” – annual commitment

  7. Begin dialog with BNSF to nominate the depot and diesel shop


Goal 4

The Havre/Hill County Historic Preservation Commission will work to promote heritage tourism.


*We will participate in the observance of National Historic Preservation Week/Month.

1.  Awards will be given for preservation project, individual achievement, residential rehabilitation, etc – ongoing

*We will prepare articles for publication about the prehistoric and historic properties within the city of Havre and Hill County.

      1.  Historic Downtown and Railroad District - completed

      2.  Chapel at Beaver Creek Park - completed

      3.  CCC Camp- Winter 2013

We will update the current walking brochure and create a brochure interpreting other prehistoric and prehistoric properties. 

1.     Edit and print copies of the revised Residential Walking Tour Brochure - Completed

2.    Create the Historic Downtown and Railroad District brochure - completed


Goal 5

The Havre/Hill County Historic Preservation Commission will work long-rang to secure possible funding for a paid Havre/Hill County Historic Preservation Officer position through partnerships and grants


*We will approach local governments and seek funding opportunities.

1.  Begin conversations with City and County officials promoting position and requesting a funding partnership. (Winter 2014)

2.   Research grant opportunities for wage offset to assist with position development. (Ongoing)

*We will seek improved local government support through better access to existing funding.

1.  Request a budget line-item in the amount of CLG funding for reimbursement of commission expenses (2012)


Products and Services



Historic Preservation Officer

The Historic Preservation Officer shall be jointly nominated by the Commission members, the Mayor and the County Commissioners, a minimum of four (4) years of documented and proven hands on experience in applying the Standards for Historic Structures as set forth by the Secretary of the Interior to an historic structure and a working knowledge of such document and a working knowledge of Section 106 (see following section) and the Americans with Disabilities Act as it pertains to historic preservation; and also possess a proven demonstrated interest, knowledge and competence in historic preservation.  It is preferred that the officer be in the possession of or in the process of obtaining a degree in one or more of the following:  archaeology, architecture, historic preservation, anthropology, history, civil engineering, planning, architectural history, historic archaeology, or any other historic preservation related field.  Prior experience as a preservation officer in a Certified Local Government Program and a good standing with the Montana State Historic Preservation Office are also preferred.


Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. 470, as amended)


Typically, federally funded projects require an environmental process that includes compliance with the Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.  Compliance involves the completion of procedures outlined in 36 CFR Parts 800 and 63.  The procedures should include consulting with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and the local Historic Preservation Commission to identify properties listed in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places that may exist within a proposed project’s area of environmental impact.  Compliance also includes consulting with, as needed, the SHPO, the keeper of the National Register of Historic Places, and the local Historic Preservation Commission to evaluate the significance of historic or prehistoric properties, which could be affected by work and how to determine how to avoid or mitigate adverse effects to significant properties from project activities. 


The importance of the Section 106 review should not be underestimated.  For example, recipients of Montana Community Development Block Grant funding are strongly encouraged to initiate the historic preservation review process as soon as possible after grant funds are awarded to avoid potentially costly time delays with project start-up activities.  In most cases, federal (and most state) grant funds are not released and construction cannot begin until the environmental review process has been completed and approved by the agency providing the funds.



Montana Annotated Code


The Havre/Hill County Historic Preservation Commission is created by the City of Havre and Hill County for the following purpose as described in Montana Code Annotated 2007:

90-1-160. Purpose. The purposes of 90-1-160 through 90-1-164 and 90-1-167 through 90-1-169 are to:
     (1) assist the state and local governments in identifying, protecting, and promoting heritage and cultural tourism resources;
     (2) further support local preservation programs and encourage participation in the Montana historical society Montana-certified local government program, provided for in
     (3) enhance the ability of localities and agencies to exhibit and advertise the heritage and cultural tourism resources of the state;
     (4) stimulate business investment, assist in retaining existing small businesses, and promote new businesses related to heritage and cultural tourism;
     (5) strengthen the local tax base;
     (6) create employment opportunities for the people of the state; and
     (7) generally enhance the economic viability of communities and regions of the state.


2011© Havre-Hill County Historic Preservation Commission
Hosted by Triangle Communications